A feminine journey through the Greek mysteries

Categories: Mythology
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Are you interested in Greek mythology, the collective unconscious, and the mysteries of the divine feminine?
Mythopoetic is honored to invite 12 women to this inner journey through the lost archetypes of the divine feminine. Before Christianization, the European imagination was filled with mighty, magical and mysterious female figures: the mighty goddesses of Olympus, the graceful nymphs, the fierce furies and the protective matrones. Throughout the medieval period, these figures slowly withdrew from our inner worlds, and the feminine was conceptualized as something docile and passive.
Nowadays, we have little room for the presence of the divine feminine. We live in a world where we’re trained to push ourselves, to live oriented towards the external world and place our worth as women in our material achievements.
This group aims to restore the lost power of the divine feminine, to re-open our souls to the presence of the goddesses, nymphs and heroines of the pasts, who stand waiting in the shadows of our collective unconscious. We will travel through the mythological past, and meet the mighty goddesses of ancient Greece, and through them reacquaint ourselves with our lost divine powers.
This group will function both as a support-network for women who want to explore their feminine powers and educate participants in classical Greek mythology. Through conversation, ritual and embodiment practices, we will explore different ways of connecting to the feminine archetypes explored in the course.
The group is divided into segments dedicated to one specific goddess, where we will explore the mysteries of the figure in question. Each session will also open with a ritual dedicated to the goddess we are working on, where will invoke her presence into the group. Participants will also receive homework between the sessions, where they will be asked to read a myth and reflect upon its inner meaning, then share their findings with the group in the next session. Additionally, participants will perform a practice between the classes that allows them to connect to the energy of the figure in question.
Participants in this education will receive a thorough education in Greek myths, learn about archetypes and how to connect with them, explore ritual practice, and connect to network of likeminded women.
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What Will You Learn?

  • In this course, you will dive into the multiple aspects of the feminine as illustrated through Greek mythology. The classes offer perspectives upon the different goddesses archetypes, as well as the darkest aspects of the feminine or the heroine's journey.

Course Content

Introduction to the course

  • Introduction to Greek mythology, the Greek worldview and the place devoted to feminine figures in the Greek Tradition

The Greek Pantheon

Feminine forces of creation and of destruction

The heroin’s journey

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