The winter solstice

The winter solstice

It is quite easy during the dark days of the Christmas season to go deep, to get closer. In the summer, on the other hand, one tends to become more ecstatic, drawn out into the open in the dance of the blossoming nature. In the winter nights though one would rather experience…
Anthropologist and ethnobotanist Wolf-Dieter Storl on Mythopoetic
Wolf-Dieter Storl

Born in Saxony (Germany), Wolf-Dieter Storl is a cultural anthropologist and an ethnobotanist. He is the author of numerous books on nature, as well as on the essence and secrets of plants.

Wild, pristine nature was always his inspiration, shaping his philosophy of life. For him, plants are not only botanical objects, but also have, through their interaction with people, a cultural, linguistic, medicinal and mythological identity.
He lives in Allgäu (Bavaria) with his family.